Who Can Become an Affiliate?
- Any affiliate whose primary role is formal education for K-12, college academy, or institution of higher education with substantial STEM emphases and student enrollments.
- Any business that is considered a legal entity that can enter into contracts.
- Any affiliate that strives to extend community service or benefits as an educational outreach program, focusing on STEM education and literacy.
Why Become an
- Allows networking that might otherwise be unavailable by connecting with INSGC, NASA and over 1000 of the Consortia’s nationwide affiliates
- Opportunity to receive direct funding support from INSGC
- Receive advance information, contribute strategic input and vote on INSGC activity and projects
Our Affiliates
Check out these cool articles from our affiliates:
- Science Central breaks ground on new planetarium | Local | journalgazette.net
- https://www.wane.com/news/local-news/planetarium-project-officially-begins-for-science-central/
- https://www.21alivenews.com/2023/09/07/science-central-breaks-ground-areas-only-public-planetarium/
- https://www.fwbusiness.com/fwbusiness/article_d954e649-1106-5d3d-9775-0cfce3e8fa20.html