NASA Glenn Research Center currently has an internship opportunity open for engineering students.
This Pathways Intern position is for an engineering student trainee in the Environmental Effects and Coatings Branch. The Branch conducts research to understand, predict, and demonstrate materials interactions with the harsh environments encountered in aerospace systems, and develops mitigation strategies such as coatings and materials application processes promoting long-term environmental durability and survivability. Harsh environments include both space planetary environments and high temperature/high heat flux aerospace propulsion systems involving oxidizing or corrosive gases, particulates, and molten deposits. Research and development includes both physics-based and empirical modeling of environmental durability including model validation through harsh environment exposure testing. The conception, development, and demonstration of protective coatings and engineered materials are required at all technology readiness levels.
We are looking for students who are pursuing a masters or doctorate degree with a major of study in Chemistry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Ceramics, or Metallurgy at an accredited educational institution.
We are also looking for someone who has a graduation date of December 2019 or later.
If you could please share this opportunity with your fellow students it would be greatly appreciated! This opportunity is also posted on your University’s job board, but here is the link to it as well.
For students to be considered for this position they must apply through the link above. The deadline to apply for this position is Friday, September 28th at midnight.